Basket contents: Buttercup or butternut squash, onions, choice of lettuce or kale, parsley, celeriac, potatoes, choice of parsnip or Jerusalem artichokes, rutabaga, choice of carrots or yellow beets, tomato.
Recipe of the week: Rutabaga Oven Fries
This is the last week of summer baskets! Thank you to all of our wonderful partners for another great season together. It is so enriching for us here on the farm to get to know the folks who eat our farm products. We hope that you also enjoyed your experience with us this season, and really encourage you all to get in contact with us if you have any comments or constructive criticism to help us improve the experience next year. There is still time to fill out our end-of-season survey! It’s so short, just 10 little questions, and we value your input so much! You can fill it out at
Also, for those of you who ordered meat shares, you will receive an email very soon to confirm the delivery dates, which will be within the next two weeks! If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time, and quarters of certain animals are also available for order. For more information, or to register, click here.
And before we part, here are some things you can look forward to:
–Fall baskets! These start in two weeks, that is to say the week of November 3rd.
–Monthly orders throughout the winter, until we run out of stock. We’ll be in touch with lists of products available to order as a special one-time delivery of veggies, eggs, teas, meat…
–Annual partners’ meeting: Each spring we invite our partners to the farm for an in-depth discussion about our production model, our finances, and the long-term vision of the farm.
–Summer baskets 2015: starting in June, 2015! We’ll open registration as early as January, prioritizing returning partners before we open up to the wider public.
Thanks again for such a great season!
We’re looking forward to keeping in touch over the winter.