Basket contents: choice of snap or snow peas, broccoli, green onions, kohlrabi, fennel, choice of Hakurei turnips or radish, zucchini, cucumbers, garlic scapes, mesclun
Recipe of the week: Fresh Pea Soup
This week I would like to share some ideas about how to store your veggies to help you get the most out of them, and to help them last as long as you need. As a wider range of crops become available, it’s important to distinguish the particular needs of each vegetable, rather than just throw them all into the fridge together.
There’s no match for the flavor of a vegetable cooked on the same day it’s picked. Vegetables are still alive even after harvest, and that’s why their quality changes so quickly once removed from the field. That’s a big part of why our vegetables taste so good- they’re fresh, straight from our garden to you! So you’re already off to a good start when you choose our produce. Still, you probably won’t be able to eat all your veggies in one day, so here are some tips as to how to keep them in the best shape possible, for as long as possible.
On our website, you will find a page with detailed instructions for storage of most of the veggies we give you.