Organic Vegetables

VeggiesFresh Organic Vegetables

We love vegetables, and hope you do too!  We grow over 150 varieties of common favorites, with a few less common veggies thrown in for good measure.

Logo-Ecocert-Our vegetables are certified organic by Ecocert Canada. Ecocert is an international certifying body that visits our farm at least once a year to ensure that the Canadian law on organics is being followed.

Here’s a little of what you’ll find throughout the season in our gardens:

Arugula Celery Jerusalem Artichokes Parsnip Rutabaga
Basil Chinese Cabbage Kale Patty pans Spinash
Beans Cilantro Kohlrabi Peas- snow and snap Squash
Beets Cucumbers Leeks Peppers Swiss Chard
Broccoli Dill Lettuce Hot peppers Tatsoi
Brussel sprouts Edamame Mesclun Potatoes Thyme
Cabbage Eggplant Mizuna Pumpkins Tomatillos
Cantelope Endive Onions, bunching Radicchio Tomatoes
Carrots Fennel Onions, fresh & storage Radish, spring and winter Turnips, spring and storage
Cauliflower Garlic Pac choi Rapini Watermelon
Celeriac Ground Cherries Parsley Rosemary Zucchini

Eby Seeding

All of the vegetables listed above are grown in our field, except a few lucky which ones get to be in our unheated greenhouse.  These crops (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants) prefer a hotter climate and dry leaves.  We also grow cold-hardy greens in the unheated greenhouse in Fall to keep providing fresh produce in our Fall Baskets.


You can find our fresh vegetables:

Why organic?

For vegetable production in Canada, organic means:

  • no chemical fertilizers are used;
  • no herbicides are used;
  • only a few accepted natural pesticides may be used;
  • buffer zones provide protection from conventional production;
  • organically-produced seeds are used;
  • soil is improved through reduced tillage, compost, cover crops, etc.

For us, organic production means tastier food that is free from chemical contaminants and higher in minerals, as well as a healthier ecosystem to live in.