In 2014, we hosted a Skillshare Weekend at the farm. The event was a success! You’ll find below which activities we’ve had during the weekend. We still don’t if the event will happen again in 2016, but be sure that we’ll let you know if it’s the case!
Where everyone has something to teach, and everyone has something to learn!
Join us for a few hours or a full weekend of fun and learning! Our skillshare weekend will be an informal opportunity to share skills and ideas you’ve been developing, and/or to learn new things from others. We believe that we all have more skills and knowledge than we’ve been taught to believe, and can collectively contribute to our own empowerment and a better world for all.
Hands-on workshops – presentations and discussions – musical performances- bring your instruments! –bi-lingual to the max! – all ages & childrens’ activities – and you better believe there’s going to be lots of vegetables!
Free food and camping!
Potluck meals and voluntary donations will be gladly accepted. Please rsvp if you’d like to stay overnight.
Get out your agendas and save the dates:
When: Saturday and Sunday August 16 and 17, 2013
Where: 398, rte du Canton, Brownsburg-Chatham, Quebec
Saturday August 16th
9 :30 – 9 :45am
Welcome & Bienvenue
Quelques mots d’introduction pour la fin de semaine – A few opening words for the weekend
10am – 11 :30am
Adventure walk on the farm! – Eby – Randonnée d’aventure sur la ferme!
This activity will be a 1-2 hours (depending on kids ages) guided walk on the farm, with lots of imagination and creativity involved. We will have a good time and stay safe! It`s especially for kids, all ages. (Child care and activities will run at the same time as workshops throughout the weekend)
DIY composting toilets – Heather
During this hands-on workshop we will build a mobile composting toilet that will be used throughout the skillshare weekend, and in the future on the farm. We will also visit an active composting toilet, and observe the composting in action. Basic theory will be discussed in a paricipatory manner. Don’t let your wastes go to waste!
12 noon – 1pm – Potluck Lunch
1:30 – 3:00pm
Back massage, Maxime
Learn to relax the main tentions of the back. I will bring my massage table and sheets to make a demo on a person, as well as visual aids to explain the maneuvers.
From the field to the table – Charlie
Basic kitchen techniques for transforming seasonal fruits and vegetables into delicious meals. We will fire up the charcoal grill, and make our own mayonnaise and vinaigrette. If it`s not too much trouble, you could bring your favourite paring knife or pocket knife.
Adventure on the farm! Part 2 – Eby and Slam-poésie with Marie-Eve Nadeau
Creative kids activities throughout the afternoon!
Slam-poésie: On se sensibilise à la musique des mots en lisant à haute voix des slam-poésie et on tentera de prêter au jeu de l’écriture.
3:00 – 3:30pm Break time
3:30 – 5:00pm
Airway clearance – Bruno
…chez le bébé, l’enfant, l’adulte et la femme enceinte. Si possible, on vous demande d’apporter des poupées pour l’atelier.
in infants, children, adults and pregnant women. If possible, you are asked to bring dolls for the workshop.
Introduction to the Paleo lifestyle Violette & Nicolas
Presentation of the Paleo lifestyle and our own experience : how we are interested in Paleo and what benefits we receive, the general principles of the Paleo lifestyle, diet, health and exercise, and other interesting aspects. There will be a question and answer period at the end and all people with a similar experience are invited to share.
Introduction to Soil Food Webs – Aaron
This is a basic introduction to soil ecology workshop. We will look at the organisms living in soils and the interactions by which they make nutrients biologically available to plants and then look through a microscope at soil samples from the forests and fields of the farm to what kinds of differences are present in the various ecologies.
5:15-5:45pm Make your own vegan milk
Make your own vegan milk using almonds and hemp hearts! Recipes and taste testing.
5:15-5:45 pm Feed the Animals with Jenna and Eby
Every evening Jenna or Eby has to feed all the animals on the farm. Meet them in front of the barn to come along, watch and help out.
6 :00 – 7 :00pm Souper de style potluck
7 :00pm – 8:00pm
Tie-dying with Derek
In this workshop you will learn how to transform your regular wardrobe into a fashion statement using the magic of tie-dye! Bring your own clothing or cloth if you would like, if not, plain t-shirts will be available. Donations are welcomed to cover the costs of materials.
Card tricks with Steve
In this workshop, Steve will reveal his long-guarded secrets as to how to impress and counfound even the most observing audience. For all ages!
6 :00 – 7 :00pm Potluck Dinner
8 pm –
Music Jam, Campfire & S`mores- Bring your instruments!
Sunday August 17th
9am-9:30 pm Feed the Animals with Jenna and Eby
Every morning Jenna or Eby has to feed all the animals on the farm. Meet them in front of the barn to come along, watch and help out.
10am – 11:30am
Herbal workshop: Childcare – Maude
A workshop for parents who want to familiarize themselves with some herbs that can be useful in the prevention and treatment of ailments of children.
Welding 101 – Jenna
This workshop will introduce the participants to welding. We will cover both Arc welding and MIG welding. All participants will have the opportunity to use both machines. Participants can bring their own small welding projects.
Go Green with Thermomix / Atelier verdure avec Thermomix – Yvette
Kitchen workshop with the thermomix : kale chips, green juice, soup or spread
12 noon – 1pm Potluck Lunch and Picnic
1:30 – 3:00 pm
Forest Discovery – David
Presentation of some ways to understand its wood stand and develop its potential. Tree future, oppressed, defective, senescent, tolerant, intolerant, snag, veteran … introduction to forestry jargon. Forest flora, an essential component of its wooded.
Introduction to finding information online – Andrea, Tim & Vince
This workshop will be a basic introduction to effective ways to find information online. We will talk about what types of information you can and can’t find on the web, different search techniques to improve your results, and things to consider when evaluating information. We are hoping to have conversations with people about issues related to access to information, bringing laptops is great!
3 :30 – 3 :45pm
Closing ceremony for the weekend
A big thank you to everyone participating, and especially to workshop presenters. Thanks!
The Skillshare weekend is all about building community, and learning from each other in an anti-oppressive, pro-liberation environment. That means that we have a very low tolerance for racism, sexism, homophobia, and all other forms of discrimination, and that we go to extra lengths to create safer spaces and help people feel comfortable being who they want to be. We want ordinary people like you to share their passion: present a workshop, lead a discussion, host a film screening, or collective art project for kids. Anything goes! We can’t wait to see what you will propose!
If you would like to propose an activity – and this is open to any and everybody – it could be the first time you ever host a workshop! – simply fill out the attached word document and send it to